Welcome to The Northeast Recovery Learning Community (NERLC)
What is Peer Support?
Peer support is the “process of giving and receiving encouragement and assistance to achieve long-term recovery.”
Peer supporters “offer emotional support, share knowledge, teach skills, provide practical assistance, and connect people with resources, opportunities, communities of support, and other people.”
(Mead, 2003; Solomon, 2004)
The NERLC provides welcoming, safe, understanding, judgment-free spaces where individuals of diverse backgrounds can gather for healing and growth.
We are a community of peers in recovery from mental health challenges, addiction, and/or traumatic life experiences.
Peer Specialists & Recovery Coaches
NERLC’S Peer Specialists and Recovery Coaches are state certified and use their own lived experience with mental health, addiction and trauma recovery to provide support focused on advocacy, education, mentoring, and motivation. NERLC actively promotes recovery in a variety of ways and works to connect our members to the communities in which they live.

All The Northeast Recovery Learning Community (NERLC) activities are conducted with support from the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Department of Mental Health
—Recovery Learning Community.

ALL Groups are FREE. No Registration required.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
10am-11am Good Morning Group with Laurie (Virtual Zoom) Join us every weekday morning (expect for national holiday) to start the day with your peers in recovery. |
10am-11am Good Morning Group with Gisell (Virtual Zoom) Join us every weekday morning (expect for national holidays) to start the day with your peers in recovery.
10am-11am Good Morning Group with Gisell (Virtual Zoom) Join us every weekday morning (expect for national holidays) to start the day with your peers in recovery. |
10am-11am Good Morning Group with Lisa (Virtual Zoom) Join us every weekday morning (expect for national holidays) to start the day with your peers in recovery. |
10am-11am Good Morning Group with Tracy (Virtual Zoom) Join us every weekday morning (expect for national holidays) to start the day with your peers in recovery. |
10am-11am Welcome to the chat hour (Lawrence Senior Center) |
11am-12pm Self-Care Together (Virtual Zoom) |
11am-12pm Ted Talks with Jen (In person NILP Lynn) Join us every weekday morning (expect for national holiday) to start the day with your peers in recovery. |
10am-11am 8 Dimensions of Wellness Group with Jen (In person Lynn Senior Center) |
10am-11am Healthy Habits with Gisell (In person Lawrence Public Library) Come join Gisell and start the New Year with Healthy Habits. She will be facilitating conversations about wellness. Look for her in the Trustees Room at the Lawrence Public Library. |
10am-11am Bienvenidos a la hora de charla (Lawrence Senior Center) |
2pm-3pm Peer Support Group with Matt (Virtual Zoom) Contact: Matt Aronstein |
11am -12pm Young Adult Peer Support with Kristin (Virtual Zoom) |
10am-11am Walking Group (In person Lowell Heritage Park) |
11am-12pm Habitos Saludables con Gisell Spanish Group (In person Lawrence Public Library)
Ven y únete a Giselle y comienza el nuevo año con Hábitos Saludables. Ella facilitará connversaciones sobre el bienestar. Búsquela en l Trustees Room de la Biblioteca Pública de Lawrence.
11am-12pm Men's Group with Matt (Virtual Zoom) |
2pm-3pm Peer Support Group with Matt (Virtual Zoom) Contact: Matt Aronstein |
11am-11:30am Awareness Meditation (In person Lowell Heritage Park) |
11am-12pm Midday Peer Meeting with Dave (Virtual Zoom) Contact: Dave Carignan |
2pm-3pm A Group for Peer Video Gamers (Virtual Zoom)
Join Matt and others in discussions about how video games can help peers in recovery. |
11am-12pm Building Skills with a Cup of Jo (In person NILP Lynn)
Do you love to talk while enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee? The perfect cup of coffee can help shape your day. Come join us as we combine our love for self-care tips and coping skills, while enjoying your favorite cup of jo. Coffee not your thing, we will have tea or water. See you then. |
12pm-1pm Older Adult Peer Support Group with Tracy (Virtual Zoom) Contact: Tracy Woods |
11am-12pm The Artist’s Way Book Club with Tracy (In person Acton Senior Center) Contact: Tracy Woods |
2pm-3pm LGBTQIA+ Group with Kristin (Virtual Zoom ) |
12pm-1pm Journaling Group with Lisa (In person NILP Lynn)
A group for peers to meet and write about life experiences. Come join us in a safe and quiet place to write your gratitude, thoughts, feelings, dreams etc. |
Service Areas
We serve 69 cities and towns throughout the northeast region. If you have questions about this program, do not hesitate to ask our staff about which Recovery Learning Community is appropriate for your location.

Visit Us

Make an appointment to visit one of our HUB office locations.
20 Ballard Road Lawrence, MA 01843 978-687-4288 ext. 131
1 Market Street, Suite 203, Lynn, MA 01902 978-687-4288 ext. 203